The Neal Boortz Independence Day Patriotic Quiz
(too old to reply)
Neal Boortz
2012-07-04 14:10:50 UTC
1. Forget when the Declaration of Independence was signed; instead,
explain why it was signed. What were the signers trying to accomplish?

2. What happened to the men who signed the Declaration? Did they go
on to be heroes and live happily ever after?

3. What does the Declaration of Independence say the people can do
when a government becomes destructive to the ends of liberty?

4. What would happen to anyone who tried today to alter or abolish
our government if it became destructive to idea that government derives
its powers from the consent of the governed?

5. Which articles of the Constitution grant specific powers to the
federal government?

6. What article of the Constitution restricts the powers of the
government to only those specifically set forth in the Constitution?

7. Describe the circumstances under which Francis Scott Key wrote
the words to the Star Spangled Banner?

8. Do you believe people living in a free country ought to be
compelled to recite a pledge of allegiance to that country? Why?

9. Was the Revolutionary War for independence from Great Britain
supported by a majority of the Colonists?

10. Where in our Constitution is it stated that anyone has a right to
vote for the office of President of the United States?

11. How did our original Constitution provide for the appointment of

12. Most foreign countries appoint an ambassador to be their official
representative before the government of the United States. Who
officially represents the 50 state governments before the government of
the United States?

13. Explain the difference between a rule of law and the rule of man.

14. Explain the difference between a democracy and a constitutional

15. Was our country founded to be a country of majority rule?

16. Write a paragraph describing what life our country would be like
today if the majority did rule?

17. Aren't you glad the majority doesn't rule?

Do you believe that we need additional restrictions on who can vote? If
so, list the restrictions you would recommend.

18. Why does it matter in the grand scheme of things who the governor of
North Carolina is, unless you live in North Carolina?

19. Isn't a governor something you put on a state to keep it from moving
ahead very fast?

20. What possible benefit could you gain by memorizing the motto of the
State of North Carolina, or any other state for that matter?

21. How many times can the word "democracy" found in the Declaration of
Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

22. How many times can the word "democracy" found in the constitutions
of any of the 50 states?

23. What does this tell you?

24. Define "civil war."

25. Was the war between the northern and southern states in the
mid-1800s a civil war?

26. Who is third in the line of succession to the presidency?

27. Based on your answer to the foregoing question, how secure would you
demand additional Secret Service protection for the president and the
vice-president in the event the Democrats gain control of the House of
Representatives in the next election?

28. How did the political class manage to fool the people of the United
States into supporting a Constitutional Amendment creating an income

29. How do most people get their news on a daily bass?

30. Does the "freedom of press" clause in the First Amendment apply to
the broadcast media?

31. So, do most people get their news from agencies licensed to operate
by the federal government?

32. Why were the words "under God" placed into the Pledge of Allegiance?

33. Do you think that it is proper for the federal government to compel
students attending government schools under compulsory attendance laws
to acknowledge the role of God in the formation of our country? Would
this constitute "effecting an establishment of religion?" If not, why

34. Do Americans derive their basic rights from the Constitution?

35. If we don't derive our rights from the Constitution, just why was
the Bill of Rights added anyway?

36. Define a system of government where the means of production are
owned and controlled privately.

37. Define a system of government where the means of production are
privately owned but controlled by government.

38. Define a system of government where the means of production are
owned and controlled by the government.

39. What percentage of total income is earned by the top one percent of
income earners.

40. What percentage of total income taxes collected by the federal
government is paid by the top one percent of income earners.

41. Where in our Constitution does it specifically state that only U.S.
citizens may vote for the office of President of the United States?

42. Name one function that a state government can exercise without
interference from the federal level.

43. Where in our Constitution does it specifically state that only U.S.
citizens may vote for members of the House of Representatives?

44. Look at the Bill of Rights. List any Amendments in the Bill of
Rights that were ratified for the purpose of limiting the powers of

45. If our Constitution provides for equal protection under the law,
why, then, does the Voting Rights Act only apply to certain states who
were held in political disfavor in the 70's?

46. List any Amendments in the Bill of Rights that were ratified for the
purpose of limiting the rights of individuals.

47. If the Bill of Rights was written to limit the rights of government
and to guarantee certain rights in the individual, try to explain why so
many people seem to think that the 2nd Amendment was written to limit
the rights of individuals and guarantee the rights of government?

48. Does the First Amendment protect speech that some people might find

49. Explain how our Republic was threatened when Janet Jackson showed
the world that she likes to wear a Japanese throwing star on the nipple
of her left breast. Or was it her right breast. Does it make any

50. What is the one exclusive power our government has that no
individual or business can legally exercise?

51. Now this list could be expanded to fill an entire book. I could,
for instance, add a hundred or so questions beginning with "Where does
the United States Constitution give the federal government the right to
.........." Fifty questions is enough, though, and it's time to finish
the Nuze and head to the studios.

It does occur to me that some of you high school and college government
teachers and instructors might have a bit of fun with these questions
and your students. No ... I'm not providing the answers.
Peter Franks
2012-07-04 20:08:42 UTC
Post by Neal Boortz
1. Forget when the Declaration of Independence was signed; instead,
explain why it was signed. What were the signers trying to accomplish?
2. What happened to the men who signed the Declaration? Did they go
on to be heroes and live happily ever after?
Lol. No.
Post by Neal Boortz
3. What does the Declaration of Independence say the people can do
when a government becomes destructive to the ends of liberty?
Abolish it.
Post by Neal Boortz
4. What would happen to anyone who tried today to alter or abolish
our government if it became destructive to idea that government derives
its powers from the consent of the governed?
Lol. Bring extra vaseline.
Post by Neal Boortz
5. Which articles of the Constitution grant specific powers to the
federal government?
6. What article of the Constitution restricts the powers of the
government to only those specifically set forth in the Constitution?
the words to the Star Spangled Banner?
8. Do you believe people living in a free country ought to be
compelled to recite a pledge of allegiance to that country? Why?
No. They should be given the opportunity. Any patriot would willingly
take advantage of the opportunity.
Post by Neal Boortz
9. Was the Revolutionary War for independence from Great Britain
supported by a majority of the Colonists?
10. Where in our Constitution is it stated that anyone has a right to
vote for the office of President of the United States?
I can't find it. Is voting a right, or a privilege? Sounds like a
privilege to me...
Post by Neal Boortz
11. How did our original Constitution provide for the appointment of
The CORRECT way.
Post by Neal Boortz
12. Most foreign countries appoint an ambassador to be their official
representative before the government of the United States. Who
officially represents the 50 state governments before the government of
the United States?
No one. Ref. the fetid abortion we politely call Amendment XVII.
Post by Neal Boortz
13. Explain the difference between a rule of law and the rule of man.
14. Explain the difference between a democracy and a constitutional
Democracy: mob rule.
Post by Neal Boortz
15. Was our country founded to be a country of majority rule?
Hell no!
Post by Neal Boortz
16. Write a paragraph describing what life our country would be like
today if the majority did rule?
Post by Neal Boortz
17. Aren't you glad the majority doesn't rule?
Ah, in the end they do. Until we get fed up and nuke them.
Post by Neal Boortz
Do you believe that we need additional restrictions on who can vote? If
so, list the restrictions you would recommend.
Demonstrable tax-paying full nationalized citizen of the United States.
Post by Neal Boortz
18. Why does it matter in the grand scheme of things who the governor of
North Carolina is, unless you live in North Carolina?
19. Isn't a governor something you put on a state to keep it from moving
ahead very fast?
Lol. Remind me -- what exactly does the governor actually do? I mean
beside throwing parties and glad-handing?
Post by Neal Boortz
20. What possible benefit could you gain by memorizing the motto of the
State of North Carolina, or any other state for that matter?
21. How many times can the word "democracy" found in the Declaration of
Independence and the U.S. Constitution?
22. How many times can the word "democracy" found in the constitutions
of any of the 50 states?
23. What does this tell you?
People can't read.

People don't understand the just form of government.

Politicians can't read.

Politicians don't understand the just form of government.

(I list people and politicians separately because by and large,
politicians aren't people.)
Post by Neal Boortz
24. Define "civil war."
Moronic contradictory term.
Post by Neal Boortz
25. Was the war between the northern and southern states in the
mid-1800s a civil war?
Post by Neal Boortz
26. Who is third in the line of succession to the presidency?
27. Based on your answer to the foregoing question, how secure would you
demand additional Secret Service protection for the president and the
vice-president in the event the Democrats gain control of the House of
Representatives in the next election?
28. How did the political class manage to fool the people of the United
States into supporting a Constitutional Amendment creating an income
29. How do most people get their news on a daily bass?
Twitter. Makes for a bunch of twits.

Oh, and Jon Stewart.
Post by Neal Boortz
30. Does the "freedom of press" clause in the First Amendment apply to
the broadcast media?
It doesn't.

Follow-up question: what delegated authority empowers the feds to
control broadcast media (or the press for that matter)?
Post by Neal Boortz
31. So, do most people get their news from agencies licensed to operate
by the federal government?
What authority allows for the government to license?
Post by Neal Boortz
32. Why were the words "under God" placed into the Pledge of Allegiance?
Blame it on the commies.
Post by Neal Boortz
33. Do you think that it is proper for the federal government to compel
students attending government schools under compulsory attendance laws
to acknowledge the role of God in the formation of our country? Would
this constitute "effecting an establishment of religion?" If not, why
Feds have no authority over education. Period. They can't compel squat
in the classroom.
Post by Neal Boortz
34. Do Americans derive their basic rights from the Constitution?
NO RIGHT comes from the Constitution, Amendments, nor the Declaration of
Post by Neal Boortz
35. If we don't derive our rights from the Constitution, just why was
the Bill of Rights added anyway?
It isn't a Bill of Rights, it is a Bill of Protections. Read the preamble.
Post by Neal Boortz
36. Define a system of government where the means of production are
owned and controlled privately.
Free market.
Post by Neal Boortz
37. Define a system of government where the means of production are
privately owned but controlled by government.
Post by Neal Boortz
38. Define a system of government where the means of production are
owned and controlled by the government.
Post by Neal Boortz
39. What percentage of total income is earned by the top one percent of
income earners.
Who cares?
Post by Neal Boortz
40. What percentage of total income taxes collected by the federal
government is paid by the top one percent of income earners.
Why should they pay proportionally more or less than me?
Post by Neal Boortz
41. Where in our Constitution does it specifically state that only U.S.
citizens may vote for the office of President of the United States?
42. Name one function that a state government can exercise without
interference from the federal level.

Unicorns exist too.
Post by Neal Boortz
43. Where in our Constitution does it specifically state that only U.S.
citizens may vote for members of the House of Representatives?
44. Look at the Bill of Rights. List any Amendments in the Bill of
Rights that were ratified for the purpose of limiting the powers of
Well, that was the intent (ref. the preamble).
Post by Neal Boortz
45. If our Constitution provides for equal protection under the law,
why, then, does the Voting Rights Act only apply to certain states who
were held in political disfavor in the 70's?
46. List any Amendments in the Bill of Rights that were ratified for the
purpose of limiting the rights of individuals.
A right that can be limited is not a right.

By definition, a right is the authority to exercise a power without
Post by Neal Boortz
47. If the Bill of Rights was written to limit the rights of government
and to guarantee certain rights in the individual, try to explain why so
many people seem to think that the 2nd Amendment was written to limit
the rights of individuals and guarantee the rights of government?
Government has no rights.

Ref. answer to 23.
Post by Neal Boortz
48. Does the First Amendment protect speech that some people might find
It protects all speech within the right. And that is all speech that
does not substantially infringe on the rights of another.
Post by Neal Boortz
49. Explain how our Republic was threatened when Janet Jackson showed
the world that she likes to wear a Japanese throwing star on the nipple
of her left breast. Or was it her right breast. Does it make any
Janet who?
Post by Neal Boortz
50. What is the one exclusive power our government has that no
individual or business can legally exercise?
51. Now this list could be expanded to fill an entire book. I could,
for instance, add a hundred or so questions beginning with "Where does
the United States Constitution give the federal government the right to
.........." Fifty questions is enough, though, and it's time to finish
the Nuze and head to the studios.
It does occur to me that some of you high school and college government
teachers and instructors might have a bit of fun with these questions
and your students. No ... I'm not providing the answers.
Government teachers are part of the problem, not the cure.
2015-10-27 18:20:54 UTC
In a first California agrees to pay
for Transgender inmate’s
Sex change operation’s
This Government Officials should be and must be committed to Mental
Institution. The state is short on the founds to do something about Water
shortage, but there are paying for a “CRIMINALS” to have sex change while
incrassated. Am I only one so stupid in this world, and are we going this
type practice to continue. What does our Constitution saying about it, What
does our Legislators doing about this, what does our Supreme Court doing
about this, what kind fagots are running this country lately. ( I never use
this word but in this situation it is proper) . If you go to Hospital
without insurance, your house is forfeited for bills to be paid . But this
Criminals in prison get medical paid to have Sex Change! By my own
Government that Taxes everything excluding your bathroom waste, sorry you
are paying for that too in sewage fees. It is coming to the point that I am
really shame to say that I am American!!!!!!

Wed. Sep. 30, 2015
You wish to verify this contact reporter at:
Los Angeles Times
Paige ST. John
2015-11-03 23:00:16 UTC
"Neal Boortz" wrote in message news:b2801f24f-0d19-4b48-bf9f-***@WSB.com...

1. Forget when the Declaration of Independence was signed; instead,
explain why it was signed. What were the signers trying to accomplish?

2. What happened to the men who signed the Declaration? Did they go
on to be heroes and live happily ever after?

3. What does the Declaration of Independence say the people can do
when a government becomes destructive to the ends of liberty?





State of New Jersey Treasury Department

Because some corporation refused to pay user/sales tax, either claiming that
they are tax exempt, or they issue invalid resale's certificate, or they
simply deducted tax from my invoices, these organization has refuse to pay
user/sale's Tax. These organizations had committed fraud a felony and yet
the New Jersey Treasury Dept. did absolutely nothing about it. On top of
that, they have rewarded them by collecting assessed tax by penalizing me
and making me pay for it. Now just think for a moment about this, The State
of New Jersey is protecting fraud organizations from “justice", well yes you
see they happen to be above constitution! In addition, court system in this
country smells, no no “Sorry” it stinks including Supreme Court.
Thank you! What rights do you or I have as citizen of this country that is
in question isn't? Law-abiding citizen get penalized for the organizations
that committed fraud. Very interesting isn't. After I made several complains
to the Legislature I been contacted by gentlemen as acting chief
investigator that he is investigating the situation. Well that kind put me
on ease maybe this person will do something about this problem, I figure to
give men some time so I waited about month or so and I push letter to him
requesting info. What is going on, another month or so pass by I finally got
answer, I will try to make small version of what he got to say. It says
because I did not complained to Audit doing time she done her thing sorry we
can do nothing for you. That is very interesting since first time I here
from hear is from judge that unless payment is made in cash or bank check to
treasury Dept. of New Jersey with in 72 hours warrant will be issue for my
The Route that was taking by them; have put State of New Jersey and the
Country centuries back. I do, not blame anyone specifically, however I do
blame entire Legislative system, and all that works for Treasury Dept. The
current and they predecessors in my opinion they are all filthy CROOKS, they
should be shame to be called Legislator's. Personal involved in this
particular case from Treasury Department are as fallow:
Attn: New Jersey Treasury Department I am no longer asking for money that
was taking from me. I am demanding money back with one additional digit
added to it where $26,000.00 is now 260,000.00, yes I know that I am passing
lots of gas for which they don’t give heck.
Note: The Company is out of business; However in my opinion you incompetent
crooks, will continue to be remind that you owe me money unless State decide
it is time to do something about it, otherwise you will be label as crooks
as you are!!!

This people were one involved with this collection but not at one time. In
addition, I was advised that collectors/audit is not state employee but
Contractors more they collect bigger bonuses they get. Good luck to anyone
that might be cut in mess with this people. Mafia Corp.
Mr. Bradley E. Below ("An" New Jersey State Treasurer )
Ms. Cheryl Fulmer ("An" Acting Assistant Director Compliance Service)
Mr. Lawrence F. Gauges ("An" Chief Field Audit Branch)
Ms. Carol O'Cleireacain (An" Special Procedures Branch)
Mr. Mark Hartmann ("An" Acting Chief Investigator)
Ms. Christine Stupak ("An" Garnishment Processing)
Ms. Cheryl Flumer ("An" Acting Assistant Director)
Ms. Wilma Shackin ("An" Judgments section-B)
Ms. Jenny Portero ("An" The Audit)
Ms. Carol O’Cleireacain (“An” Judge Division of Taxation)
Ms. Nokeima Holloway (“An” Division of Taxation Audit-A)
People like these should not be ever employed or contracted where must deal
with General public, they are lacking in Ethics and responsibility to their

It has being almost 10 years which I will not forgive them for their dirty
deeds, we are prosecuting Nazis from dirty deeds 70 years ago, well I will
keep reminding this Bastards of Treasury department in New Jersey for as
long I am alive?. THANK YOU!

(x owner) A. Seput
Cascade Environment Co Inc.

4. What would happen to anyone who tried today to alter or abolish
our government if it became destructive to idea that government derives
its powers from the consent of the governed?

5. Which articles of the Constitution grant specific powers to the
federal government?

6. What article of the Constitution restricts the powers of the
government to only those specifically set forth in the Constitution?

7. Describe the circumstances under which Francis Scott Key wrote
the words to the Star Spangled Banner?

8. Do you believe people living in a free country ought to be
compelled to recite a pledge of allegiance to that country? Why?

9. Was the Revolutionary War for independence from Great Britain
supported by a majority of the Colonists?

10. Where in our Constitution is it stated that anyone has a right to
vote for the office of President of the United States?

11. How did our original Constitution provide for the appointment of

12. Most foreign countries appoint an ambassador to be their official
representative before the government of the United States. Who
officially represents the 50 state governments before the government of
the United States?

13. Explain the difference between a rule of law and the rule of man.

14. Explain the difference between a democracy and a constitutional

15. Was our country founded to be a country of majority rule?

16. Write a paragraph describing what life our country would be like
today if the majority did rule?

17. Aren't you glad the majority doesn't rule?

Do you believe that we need additional restrictions on who can vote? If
so, list the restrictions you would recommend.

18. Why does it matter in the grand scheme of things who the governor of
North Carolina is, unless you live in North Carolina?

19. Isn't a governor something you put on a state to keep it from moving
ahead very fast?

20. What possible benefit could you gain by memorizing the motto of the
State of North Carolina, or any other state for that matter?

21. How many times can the word "democracy" found in the Declaration of
Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

22. How many times can the word "democracy" found in the constitutions
of any of the 50 states?

23. What does this tell you?

24. Define "civil war."

25. Was the war between the northern and southern states in the
mid-1800s a civil war?

26. Who is third in the line of succession to the presidency?

27. Based on your answer to the foregoing question, how secure would you
demand additional Secret Service protection for the president and the
vice-president in the event the Democrats gain control of the House of
Representatives in the next election?

28. How did the political class manage to fool the people of the United
States into supporting a Constitutional Amendment creating an income

29. How do most people get their news on a daily bass?

30. Does the "freedom of press" clause in the First Amendment apply to
the broadcast media?

31. So, do most people get their news from agencies licensed to operate
by the federal government?

32. Why were the words "under God" placed into the Pledge of Allegiance?

33. Do you think that it is proper for the federal government to compel
students attending government schools under compulsory attendance laws
to acknowledge the role of God in the formation of our country? Would
this constitute "effecting an establishment of religion?" If not, why

34. Do Americans derive their basic rights from the Constitution?

35. If we don't derive our rights from the Constitution, just why was
the Bill of Rights added anyway?

36. Define a system of government where the means of production are
owned and controlled privately.

37. Define a system of government where the means of production are
privately owned but controlled by government.

38. Define a system of government where the means of production are
owned and controlled by the government.

39. What percentage of total income is earned by the top one percent of
income earners.

40. What percentage of total income taxes collected by the federal
government is paid by the top one percent of income earners.

41. Where in our Constitution does it specifically state that only U.S.
citizens may vote for the office of President of the United States?

42. Name one function that a state government can exercise without
interference from the federal level.

43. Where in our Constitution does it specifically state that only U.S.
citizens may vote for members of the House of Representatives?

44. Look at the Bill of Rights. List any Amendments in the Bill of
Rights that were ratified for the purpose of limiting the powers of

45. If our Constitution provides for equal protection under the law,
why, then, does the Voting Rights Act only apply to certain states who
were held in political disfavor in the 70's?

46. List any Amendments in the Bill of Rights that were ratified for the
purpose of limiting the rights of individuals.

47. If the Bill of Rights was written to limit the rights of government
and to guarantee certain rights in the individual, try to explain why so
many people seem to think that the 2nd Amendment was written to limit
the rights of individuals and guarantee the rights of government?

48. Does the First Amendment protect speech that some people might find

49. Explain how our Republic was threatened when Janet Jackson showed
the world that she likes to wear a Japanese throwing star on the nipple
of her left breast. Or was it her right breast. Does it make any

50. What is the one exclusive power our government has that no
individual or business can legally exercise?

51. Now this list could be expanded to fill an entire book. I could,
for instance, add a hundred or so questions beginning with "Where does
the United States Constitution give the federal government the right to
.........." Fifty questions is enough, though, and it's time to finish
the Nuze and head to the studios.

It does occur to me that some of you high school and college government
teachers and instructors might have a bit of fun with these questions
and your students. No ... I'm not providing the answers.
