The RED WAVE didn't fizzle...
(too old to reply)
2022-11-14 22:14:52 UTC

The RED WAVE didn't fizzle... Establishment Republicans are just too
ignorant to catch a common Democrat thief. More proof they need to be
-That's karma-
2022-11-15 13:23:36 UTC
On every date, #ReamMeUpTheAssSnotty, brain-damaged fucktard who rode
his scooter into a tree while not wearing a helmet, stupidly bawled and
Post by BeamMeUpScotty
Lie site.
Post by BeamMeUpScotty
The RED WAVE didn't fizzle
There never was one and never was going to be one.  Trump made sure of
The lie site was posting an article that agreed with you by calling it a
fizzling RED WAVE, and yes I agree that the WAVE was over whelmed but it
didn't fizzle, that summation of the event is wrong. It's NOT a lie site
it's a NEWS AGGREGATION SITE that uses articles and information from
places like FOX news... FOX NEWS which I usually question as being
poorly thought-out and FAKE NEWS. And I'm generally critical of that
FAKE news.

I point out the truth. I read a lot of different news and and I find
the information that doesn't fit their version of the NEWS, doesn't
matter the news site... The truth is still the truth.

And the truth is that...

"And as such, Republican leaders not only hurt the party politically but
after siphoning hundreds of millions in donations from GOP voters, what
they did to sabotage Trump-backed candidates amounts to a firing offense."

Now that is in large part, what happened and it wasn't TRUMP that caused
any fizzling. The Facts show that there was a red wave and that the
BLUE CRIME WAVE of election fraud simply overwhelmed it.
-That's karma-